Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Social Network Effect

Like, Share, Tag, Tweet, Retweet, Follow, Plus1, Pin etcetera etcetera, these words may sound alien to many of the elders but I'm damn sure that almost every student reading this is familiar with these words. How can we not be? These words are a part of our everyday routine. The day starts with a tweet on twitter and ends up with responding to messages and comments on Facebook. Pinning some pictures on pinterest and hanging out on Google+ is also essential. We can somehow manage without food & water but not without Internet even for a day, it's like getting trapped in a void, and getting disconnecting from the world.

There are so many USPs of it. Social education, social music, social videos, social news & social everything. Wanna talk to some friends? Just click! Wanna go shopping? Just click! Wanna entertain yourself? Just click! Nowadays, you can just click to do almost anything, it's easy, convenient & cool. And this conference made me realize that all the social networking addict students' days are almost same. Waking up, going to school, gossiping about social networks, coming back to home, before anything else turning on computer, checking notifications & messages & replying to them, eating lunch only when it's impossible to survive without it, skipping the dinner and then in bed networking once again on phone. Seeing their routine, it can be easily concluded that not only thousands or millions but even billions & trillions merely waste their days, months, years & sometimes ages on social networks.
But what's the reason for more & more people getting addicted to social networks? I think part of the addiction comes from the fact that social media is like a giant party ‘out there’, where something is happening all the time. So it’s much easier to plug in and feel you’re part of something worthwhile going on. We are social and we want others to know about us. We like social networks because they give us a opportunity to speak out heart out on a public platform & get appreciated for it. Social networking sites allow people to manage their relationships as well as find new ones.

So, when all such spicy dishes are served in a single plate, a human wants to keep eating. A study revealed that Facebook & Twitter are more addictive than any of drugs, alcohol or cigarette. Just like every other addiction, everything seems good enough but then this star taking control over us. They're 24x7 on social networks or we can say social networks are on them 24x7. If they're not accessing on computer, they're accessing on mobile, if they're not accessing on mobile, they're discussing it, if they're not discussing it, they're thinking of it. And this situation brings possibilities of many dangers for them, especially if they're teens. They can become a victim of identity theft or cyber bullying which can disturb them thoroughly. They fail to focus on their work because social media is always high on them. Sometimes they may bump into irrelevant sensitive content which may disturb their minds or distract them. They're blinded by the social media, don't take their meals on time, don't sleep on time, sometimes don't even sleep for many days but keep their social networking on, no matter what. And then they face serious health issues. They however do socialize online but in this hasty routine of managing online relationships they keep thinking about online friends only & are dispelled from the real world relations. Another dark side of social networking is that most of the people boast about their life there & and after reading all that we start feeling low about our lifestyle, our self esteem levels lower & our depression levels rise. And it all effects our grades & careers as well.

Everything including social media is great until it's under its limits & in our own control. Everything is beneficial until we know how to benefit ourselves from it. But things go wrong when things which were meant to be used by us start using us. So, whatever you do, be in its charge, don't let the task take over you & remember to always be in your personal limits & I assure you, this way the thing will yield you the most.

We, the social humans, want everyone to know
About us & our greatness, we want to show.
But in this while, everything else, we forget,
Be aware, else later you'll have to regret.

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